Employee Information - COVID-19 Updates
Update - 11/5/2021 11:30AM
Travis Pattern and Travis Iron Works Employees,
As most of you are aware the Federal COVID-19 Large employer Vaccine Mandate has been issued. As a company we are still in the investigation and education stage regarding the mandate. There are multiple pieces of information we do not yet have and we are waiting on state regulatory entities to provide their input and rules in addition to what OSHA has outlined on the Federal level.
In light of the Federal OSHA Mandate that has been published, Travis Pattern and Foundry will be issuing a confidential employee survey regarding vaccination status. The purpose of this survey will allow Travis Pattern to look at data associated with vaccination status to help the company with a plan on how to proceed.
As new details and regulatory information become available Travis Pattern will be required to develop policies that adhere to guidelines and regulations on the state and federal level. At this time, we do not have specific answers on what that will look like and we will keep you informed and up to date as this process moves forward.
We appreciate your patience and understanding in this very difficult time.
Update - 9/10/2021 3:30PM
Travis employees,
As you may have heard by now, the Biden Administration announced on Thursday, Sept 9th, that it is taking action, through executive order; that would mandate, among other things, employers with more than 100 employees to either require employees to be vaccinated or tested weekly for COVID-19. The order, instructs the Department of Labor and OSHA to develop new rules in the form of an Emergency Temporary Standard (ETS) that will further detail the new requirements. The Travis Group of Companies is closely monitoring these developments, and any rules that would require changes to our current policies and protocols will not go into effect until after the ETS has been issued. This may be delayed even further by likely legal challenges to the executive order.
Therefore, until further notice, Travis Company policies and protocols will remain unchanged. You will be notified if there are any changes to the COVID policies and protocols. If you have any questions or concerns in the meantime, please reach out to your HR personnel, Scott or Dan.
Update - 8/20/2021 11:00AM
All TPF/TIW Administration staff:
As some of you may be aware there has been some recommended modifications to OSHA and CDC guidance regarding masking in public spaces due to an increase in COVID cases. Travis Pattern and Foundry is not considered a public business however we do have public access. The guidance that currently exists may be modified and/or updated in the coming weeks and when/if that occurs our internal policy/procedure regarding masking may change/be updated.
Travis Pattern and Foundry has an obligation to keep our employees and guests safe and healthy while in the workplace. With that said, please review the information included below, in this email regarding a masking update effective Monday August 23, 2021.
These directives apply to all administrative offices/personnel for TPF/TIW.
When you are within 6' of another individual (facing) that individual you must wear your mask (regardless of vaccination status).
If you are in an office with a door and/or private cubicle you do not need to be wearing a mask.
If you share an office/workspace and you are distanced by a minimum of 6' and you are not facing your work partner you do not need to wear a mask. If someone enters your shared workspace and you are no longer distanced by 6' or more, you must wear a mask.
At the front desk, when an employee or guest enters the office area/lobby you must wear your mask.
We need each employee to continue to be vigilant about personal hygiene, handwashing, monitoring symptoms and responding appropriately when/if you feel like you may be ill. Krista has and will continue to be managing the COVID response for TPF/TIW. Symptoms are appearing more mild with the new variant of the virus and we need employees to be mindful. If you have even the slightest symptoms, please do not report to work, call Krista and explain your symptoms/circumstances and she will provide you with further guidance.
Please contact Krista with any questions regarding COVID symptoms, exposures and response. Thank you for your continued understanding and support during this time. As soon as we can adjust and return to normal we certainly will do that.
Update - 12/3/2020 4:00PM
To help prevent new cases and the spread of COVID-19 please review the protocol below regarding social distancing, masking and handwashing. We cannot stress enough the importance of following the guidelines outlined below.
REMEMBER to honor social distancing, stay 6' away or more when working in the office or foundry.
It is a REQUIREMENT to be wearing a mask when you are at work and interacting with people closer than 6'.
Proper hygiene is extremely important in helping to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Be sure you are washing your hands frequently, for at least 20 seconds with soap. The use of alcohol based hand sanitizer is also recommended.
Remember that wearing a face covering can help prevent the spread of the disease, but only in addition to other measures that you should be taking in the workplace and at home, such as frequent hand washing, cleaning and sanitizing frequently-touched surfaces, and practicing social distancing.
If you feel sick or if you are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, cough, difficulty breathing, chills, headache, muscle pain, sore throat, or new loss of taste or smell), let your supervisor know, go home immediately, and contact your healthcare provider for additional guidance.
If you are experiencing symptoms of illness (even if you think it is a sinus infection, common cold, sore throat and/or nothing to worry about) DO NOT come to work, report your symptoms and seek guidance from your healthcare provider.
For the health and safety of everyone at the office/foundry, for the customers/clients we serve and for your own safety and health please DO NOT risk coming to work or staying at work if you are ill.
Update - 5/18/2020 10:00AM
All employees: we are currently hiring for General Labor positions. If you know somebody who may be interested in working with us, please have them submit an online application at https://travispattern.com/careers.
In a continued effort to control the spread of COVID-19, the CDC recommends that each employee perform the self-evaluation each day before reporting to work.
"YES or NO, since your last day of work, or since your last visit to this facility, have you had any of the following:"
- A new fever (100.4°F or higher), or a sense of having a fever?
- A new cough that you cannot attribute to another health condition?
- New shortness of breath that you cannot attribute to another health condition?
- A new sore throat that you cannot attribute to another health condition?
- New muscle aches (myalgias) that you cannot attribute to another health condition, or that may have been caused by a specific activity (such as physical exercise)?
- Chills
- New loss of taste or smell
- This list is not all possible symptoms. Other less common symptoms have been reported, including gastrointestinal symptoms like nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.
If you answer yes to any of the above questions do not report to work and contact Krista at 509-466-3545. If after office hours leave a voice mail for her.
Update - 4/10/2020 8:00AM
In a continued effort to control the spread of COVID-19, the CDC recommends that each employee perform the self-evaluation each day before reporting to work.
"YES or NO, since your last day of work, or since your last visit to this facility, have you had any of the following:"
- A new fever (100.4°F or higher), or a sense of having a fever?
- A new cough that you cannot attribute to another health condition?
- New shortness of breath that you cannot attribute to another health condition?
- A new sore throat that you cannot attribute to another health condition?
- New muscle aches (myalgias) that you cannot attribute to another health condition, or that may have been caused by a specific activity (such as physical exercise)?
If you answer yes to any of the above questions do not report to work and contact Krista at 509-466-3545. If after office hours leave a voice mail for her.
Update - 3/27/2020 1:30PM
Travis Pattern has received confirmation of our Essential Business status from the State of Washington:
After reviewing your request, we have determined that your function qualifies as essential. Please be mindful that our determination here could change in the future if the situation calls for additional restrictions. Please also be mindful that, in order to maintain this designation, you must follow the guidelines around social distancing and sanitation referenced in Proclamation 20-25 or any subsequent proclamation related to essential businesses.
Thank you, and please remember to practice social distancing in all of your interactions.
Update - 3/24/2020 4:00PM
Due to the increased volume of work from the current world situation, if you do not get a "live person" in HR/Payroll - Please leave ONE voicemail. We are doing our best to help everyone as timely as possible. Thank you!
Update - 3/24/2020 1:15PM
As defined by the Department of Homeland Security, foundries are part of the critical manufacturing sector. Travis Pattern is a critical supplier not only locally, but regionally and nationally for the agricultural, electrical transmission/communication, mining, oil and gas industries as well as many others. These industries are core to our daily business.
We have been, and are taking all precautions that have been provided by the local, state and federal government as well as the CDC to protect the employees while at work. We have some telecommuting when possible, but for our factory, that is not possible. We have identified and communicated with each foreman of each department on the enforcement of social distancing. We have and will continue to have conversations with our employees about spacing, cleanliness and what to do if they believe they are infected or have come into contact with someone who has.
As of now we will remain open to serve the critical needs of our customers and this country.
Employees with specific health concerns are encouraged to call their doctor for medical advice.
Update - 3/23/2020 6:00PM
We are open for business on 3/24/2020. We will post another update on 3/24/2020.
Update - 3/23/2020
Travis Pattern & Foundry/Travis Iron Works manufacturing falls into multiple "Critical Infrastructure Sectors" according to the US Department of Homeland Security - this is why we continue to stay open as much as possible during the current pandemic. We supply parts for Agriculture, Energy, and Critical Manufacturing Sectors.
We still need to work very hard at maintaining social distancing while at work as well as continued cleaning, washing of hands as well as other safe practices.
Update - 3/16/2020
The Federal Government has pending legislation that will provide additional leave options and potential pay options for affected employees. THIS LEGISLATION HAS NOT YET BEEN FINALIZED and could change at any stage in the process, therefore we are not able to provide you with those details just yet.
However, if you are in a situation with School Closure, if you or a family member have illness symptoms, or if you have recently been exposed to somebody with illness symptoms, please CALL HR to discuss what options may be available to you.
Due to the changing landscape with the coronavirus, we will provide updates as guidance is given to employers. We ask for your patience as we navigate this changing landscape together.
Updated Guidance
If you have any of these symptoms:
- Fever (100.4° F or higher using oral thermometer)
- Cough
- Sore Throat
- Shortness of breath
- Or if you have been exposed to somebody with these symptoms…
If you are at work:
- Tell your foreman from a safe distance.
- Go home (DO NOT clock out).
- Your Foreman will have Payroll clock you out.
- Go straight home.
- Call your doctor and report your symptoms.
- Call payroll for further instructions.
- DO NOT report to work until fever-free for 72 hours without the use of fever reducers.
- Call payroll before reporting to work.
If you are at home:
- Follow the normal call out policy.
- Stay home.
- Call your doctor and report your symptoms.
- Call payroll for further instructions.
- DO NOT report to work until fever-free for 72 hours without the use of fever reducers.
- Call payroll before reporting to work.
For more information, visit https://www.cdc.gov or https://coronavirus.wa.gov